over the counter prescription for addiction: sports

il y a 4 mois

Dilek Özalan

Autorité publique locale


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

The main objective of our project is to examine the interaction between addiction and sport and to develop innovative solutions to effectively address these two issues at the international level.By highlighting the role of sport in the fight against addiction, our project aims to make a significant contribution to strategies in this field. In this context, the cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Sport in the fight against addiction shows that sport can be used as an effective tool in the fight against addiction and that our project will interact positively with work in this direction.


The reduction in addiction rates in European countries, particularly in Germany and Sweden, is attributed to the 2020 report of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. These data illustrate the efficacy of appropriate policies and strategies in reducing addiction rates. Our project aims to develop novel and effective solutions for combating addiction in our country and across Europe, by emulating such successful practices.


The results of our project will serve to reinforce the role of sport in the fight against addiction, while also facilitating positive interactions through the exchange of information in this field. It is anticipated that the project will demonstrate the efficacy of sport in the context of addiction, facilitate international collaboration between policymakers and practitioners, and promote innovative strategies in this field. This process will have the dual benefit of improving the health of individuals and effecting meaningful change at the societal level. In alignment with the primary objectives of European Union projects, the project aims to facilitate a large-scale social transformation through the provision of effective, sustainable, and innovative solutions in the context of addiction.

The target group of our project is comprised of young people and young adults who are particularly susceptible to behavioural addictions. By preventing such addictions from a young age, it is our intention that individuals will become healthier role models in adulthood. The rationale behind our decision to focus on this target group is directly related to the increase in addiction rates and the prevalence of internet use in the present era.

We are looking for partners from the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Sweden. 

 Coopération internationale
 Égalité des sexes
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
 Culture numérique
 Gestion de projets internationaux
 Sécurité publique
 Mobilité intelligente

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