Novel in-situ observation systems

il y a 8 ans

The Institute of Geophysics (IGP)

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

- Development of Monitoring Technologies for Prediction of the Earthquakes on Base of Developing Low-cost Reliable Laser Micro-sensors;
- Increasing European Technical know-how for the Monitoring of Seismic Disasters and Contributions to the Development of Sectors Building with non Dangerous House;
- Design of cross-platform software for calculating disaster activities in geo-hazardous areas in real-time with publication on a web-site;
- Analysis and Evaluation of Probabilistic Seismic Risks in the Natural Hazard Seismic Processes (NHSP);
- Scientific analysis of the state of the real geo-hazard in EU seismically dangerous places from new approaches of analysis of the tectonic activity.

 Sciences de la Terre
 Innovation & Recherche
 Mathématiques et Statistiques

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