Non-profit Export Assocaiation (Largest Export Associotion of Turkey)

il y a 4 ans

İstanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters Association

Organisation de soutien aux entreprises


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Istanbul Mineral and Metals Exporters’ Association is a semi-governmental, not-for-profit export association with 7 sub-association and 300 Full time Experts working ; Sectors IMMIB operates are minerals, natural stones, chemicals and chemical products, plastic, ferrous and nonferrous metals, electrical/electronics, cosmetics, jewelry, health, tourism, travel and all kind of services and many more. IMMIB is also a trustworthy partner and leading dissemination partner for H2020 projects with its 24000 Members, more than of them being SMES providing a unique network. Today, IMMIB acts as the locomotive of Turkish Economy, representing %35 of Total Exports.


We are looking for consortiums. The partnerships we are interested are; Erasmus+ KA2, H2020 all topics, COSME, Cluster calls Etc.

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Produits chimiques
 Applications informatiques
 Fabrication 2.0
 Horizon Europe

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