Network of digital competences for smart specialisation and NEB in VET and adult education

il y a 2 ans

Institute for creative city

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CALL for partners for ERASMUS Partnership for Excellence - Centres of Vocational Excellence ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PEX-COVE

NGO Institute for creative city, Rivne IT Cluster and Rivne College of economics and business are looking for partners for ERASMUS call to create a professional training and internship program (network) with a digital component for the development of regional smart specialization, ecodesign and digital fabrication based on the New European Bauhaus concept

The education system does not keep up with changes in technology and the emergence of new professions. Low quality of digital fabrication curriculum for developing quality professional practices. Lack of entrepreneurial innovation environment, slow response to changes, lack of mobility and communication

Why is it necessary to improve or change professional skills?
Why do the professions of the future require a digital component?
Why is digital manufacturing growing in importance?
Why are digital technologies important for sustainable development?
Why are digital technologies, ecological production, circular economy important for changing the educational process?


 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Innovation sociale
 Économie numérique
 Industries créatives
 Culture numérique
 Europe créative
 Humanités numériques

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