Multi-purpose secure messaging platform for IoT/E applications with "data protection by default"

il y a 6 ans




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The Internet of Things/Everything (IoT/E) presents unprecedented challenges for IT security. Consumers want trust and with numerous IoT/E security issues discovered recently, and the various IoT/E-enabled cyber-attacks in mind, all IoT/E players have to implement counter-measures against these threats. At the same time, we can see that in Industrial IoT, the most secure and protected solutions, are acceptable for big players and can’t be widely used by SME and entrepreneurs because of complexity of those solutions, which require specific knowledge of different IT and security aspects. Due to this, algorithms and software systems must be devised having security, privacy, data protection to create resilient ICT systems out of potentially insecure components. Idea of our innovation project is development and implementation of the Multi-purpose secure communication platform (MPSMP) for IoT/E applications, which will provide secure end-to-end communication base with "data protection
by default" and will give the affordable and interoperability instrument to the broad range of developers to create secure IoT/E applications as "data protection by design, what will for improving trust in supply chains of ICT systems. We are looking parners which can benefit from our idea and deep knowledges of software development for telecommunication.

 Applications informatiques
 Technologie mobile
 Open source
 Développement des affaires
 Internet des objets (IoT)

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