Mobility of people and goods

il y a 7 ans

Instituto Pedro Nunes - Laboratory for Automation and Systems

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

The mobility of people and goods is a strategic area for Laboratory for Automation and Systems (LAS), focused on research and development of components and mature solutions for smart urban mobility.
LAS has been developing a fleet of fully autonomous electric vehicles to enable the transport of people. The first commercial application of the system (two vehicles operating outdoors), a proof of concept, was successfully implemented in a large hospital (connecting three main buildings) in July 2010. Furthermore, LAS has developed an indoor navigation system for smartphones based on Wi-Fi technology, allowing indoor localisation of people and even vehicles. The laboratory also participates in several European and national projects that address urban mobility and logistics.

 Transfert de technologie
 Innovation & Recherche

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