Methods of working with students in pre-school or school education

il y a 5 ans

Community Mogilno

Education, centre de formation ou école


Recherche partenariat

En recherche d'un consultant

The idea of ​​the project is to become familiar with the educational solutions used by the foreign partner and to transfer them to our facility. This transfer should take into account Polish conditions, hence it is not always possible to translate solutions directly.

The project is to be carried out in 4 steps:


;     Determining the technical side of the project implementation. Here we see a working meeting (2 days) at a foreign partner - 2-3 people would participate in the meeting (here: the cost of accommodation, meals, local transport),

;     Study visit with a foreign partner. Here we see a 4-5 day visit of our staff (approx. 6 people) during which we will meet with foreign partner experts, we will take part in workshops on the application of the transferred solution, meetings in specific institutions working with the method (here the costs of accommodation, meals, local transport, fees for experts, administrative costs of the visit)

;     Developing a solution tailored to Polish conditions. Here we see work in Poland, with consultations with foreign partner experts. A monitoring visit of the foreign partner's experts is possible here (here the costs of fee for experts)

;     Implementation of the solution. Here we see a seminar disseminating a solution for our staff. A monitoring visit of the foreign partner's experts is also possible here (here the costs of fee for experts.

 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes

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