Looking for Partnership

il y a 2 ans

Gökhan Şengün



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

After completing his undergraduate education at METU, Department of Psychology
He worked in the field of guidance and psychological counseling and special education at the Ministry of National Education for about fourteen years. He worked as a kindergarten manager, guidance counselor and school principal in Ankara. Afterwards, she worked as a guidance teacher, Deputy Director of the Institution and Director of the Institution at Altındağ Guidance and Research Center. During this time, he also served as a Member of the Special Education Evaluation Board. He received the Star Project award from the Minister for European Union Affairs on behalf of his Institution in the European Union Project for children with special needs, which he coordinates. Apart from this, he took part as an executive and researcher in many European Union projects for children with special needs. He worked in a project for people with special needs in the projects department of Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education. He worked as a member of the Provincial Identification Commission in Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education within the scope of identifying gifted people. He completed his master's degree in guidance and psychological counseling at Ankara University in 2013. He completed his doctorate in Gazi University Child Development and Education in 2018. In 2019, at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Faculty of Education, Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Dr. He served as a faculty member and also carried out the University Coordinator without Barriers. He worked as a project coordinator, project manager, and researcher in many European Union projects. Currently,
At Kırıkkale University, He works as an assistant professor and works as an academic advisor at three primary schools and two independent kindergartens in Ankara.

 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Éducation et formation

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