Looking for partners to join our proposal.

il y a 5 mois


Agence de conseil


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

At Synergy European Consulting, we are currently developing a new project proposal, to be submitted in the upcoming ERASMUS+ call in October, and we are looking for the last partners to join our consortium.

The project aims to empower young digital nomads and remote professionals (aged 18-30) by providing them with the tools, resources, and mentorship needed to overcome the challenges in the digital economy.
We focus on:
·     Entrepreneurial skills
·     Mentorship Schemes
·     Sustainable travel and work practices
·     Health and well-being for remote professionals

We are seeking for organisations with expertise in areas such as entrepreneurship, remote and mobile work, financial literacy, sustainability, and  well being.
Ideal partners include educational institutions and Universities, social enterprises, business developers and Hubs, organizations focused on digital transformation or environmental practices and sustainability.

Ιf you're interested in joining us, please contact us here by September 10th.

Please note that partners from Greece and Portugal are already part of the consortium, so we are not currently seeking organizations from these countries.

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Transfert de technologie
 Gestion d'entreprise
 Green Deal

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