Looking for partners: Participation in E+ KA220-ADU-2023 Proposals

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Fundación Cibervoluntarios, a Spanish NGO born in 2001 focused on the use of ICTs as a means for social innovation and citizen empowerment, is looking for partners to join Consortium for next Cooperation Partnership call. We have 3 projects on ADU for resubmission on the 22nd March. These are the topics:

(1) Project focused on socio-labour integration, employability and capacity-building for persons with disabilities (PWDs), people with light mental issues concretely.

(2) Project for continuity focused on +55 year old people, towards their ICT competences development for the daily life management on online communication, administration and purchases needs. Active aging and personal autonomy. 
(3) Project focused on women in need of ICT skills, including women in rural areas, offering three levels of competences.

Please access the link within the attached document if you think you matches as full partner in any of the three proposals and fill up the form before the 20th february 12.00 pm CET.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

 Renforcement des compétences
 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Gestion de partenariat
 Rédaction technique
 Société numérique
 Social et Bien-être

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