Looking for Partners for Erasmus+ Mobility (Youth Workers)

il y a 5 ans

TED University



Recherche partenariat

We are looking partners for Erasmus+ K1 project (KA105: Mobility) in the Mobility of Youth Workers to improve skills, develop teaching methodology and use this method for hearing-impaired students in order to increase their learning capacities in English language skills.

We are currently in the process of writing the project and we are looking for partners who have experiences in supporting teachers of hearing-impaired students who are interested to develop their competences and work in an international team.

More details about the project are below

Aim: The aim of this project is to support the learning processes of the 13-14 age group  of  hearing-impaired students with the integration of ICT into the learning and teaching process. We are planning to develop a training program for teachers to support students’ foreign language skills in English to communicate with the people easly from the other ;

We ask from partners;

  • to support hearing-impaired students’ teachers to participate training program in English language skills (about 10 teachers).
  • to ensure the participation of trainers who will contribute to the learning of hearing impaired students in English language skills.
  • to share knowledge about ICT integration on teaching and learning process of hearing impaired students

Target Group: The target group of teachers  from the countries of the partners will participate the training program so they can support  their own teaching skills of the learning of disabled students and facilitating their lives.

Main activities: “Unified Integration Model of ICT into The Teaching and Learning Process” will be used to carry out the project. This model is one of the technology integration models in order to support teachers who are primarily related with disabled students in terms of pedagogical and technological ;Each activity and day will be throughly planned to detail by excellent cooperation and communication between the partner organisations.

Deadline for submisson of the Project: April 30th, 2019

Place: The program will be held in Turkey.

We would be grateful if you could inform us by 22th April.

We look forward to launching an efficient cooperation.

 Éducation et formation
 Enseignement supérieur
 Jeunes travailleurs

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