Looking for partners Erasmus+ KA3: Support for Policy Reform – Initiatives for Policy Innovation

il y a 8 ans


Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

We´re developing a project for the call Erasmus+: KA 3 Support for Policy Reform – Initiatives for Policy Innovation: Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects.
Our Project Intrasys aims to develop an intelligent learning methodology for VET, based on, an integral platform of multimedia content, simulation and artificial intelligence, which provides a measurement and evaluation system allowing the monitoring of the quality and effectiveness of the teaching-learning process (in real time / day to day), and the future performance of students throughout their working life.  We´re looking for Partners with at least one of these experiences:
- Experts in assessesment methologies, specifically in measurement and evaluation  systems related to learning process.
- Experts in content development, specifically in the construction sector.
- European Association related with Technologies, or Education and Training
If you are interested, tell me your interest and I´ll send you a questionnaire




 Industrie de construction
 Applications informatiques
 Éducation et formation

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