looking for cooperation in Erasmus + 2021-2027 projects

il y a 3 ans

SERGED-Serik Youth Education, Culture, Environment and Sports Association

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SERGED-Serik Youth Education Environment Culture and Sport Association is looking for project partnerships.
SerGED is an  NGO  related Erasmus + Sport ,School education,Youth ,Adult Education,VET Education and traineeship programmes.
we are interested in be a partner or coordiantor related Youth Exchanges,Strategic partnerships,Sectoral Cooperations projects.
if you are looking for partner organisation from south of Turkey Antalya ;
we looking forward new ;
please share your project ideas  
we wish good cooperations in new erasmus + programme ; 

Hulusi karatas .President of NGO ,Antalya,Turkey

 Pêche et alimentation
 Gestion des déchets
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Mobilité des jeunes
 Gestion culturelle
 Migrants et Réfugiés
 Mobilité intelligente

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