Looking for a leader and partners "Blue economy window call - EMFF-BEW-2019"

il y a 4 ans

Krisztina Eleftheriou-Hocsak



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

I would like to join a consortium for this call.

I am a PhD student in Cyprus and my research fields are sustainable sea tourism and sustainable entrepreneurship

I have thought on a project related to the the goal "Facilitate scaling up business models and service concepts" in sea tourism, but I am open

to other ideas as well.

My contribution would be the research part in the project, in which a have already some years of experence.

Deadline of the call:


Please contact me if you are interested in the collaboration.


 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Tourisme durable
 Union européenne
 Gestion d'entreprise

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