il y a 5 ans




Recherche partenariat

Casarrubuelos, a small city located at the south of Madrid, is preparing a proposal to be submitted under the LIFE Programme in the field of the management of urban organic waste and Lombriculture.
Casarrubuelos city council is already developing, in the framework of the EEA Grants Instrument, an entrepreneurial project in which the rural activities such as lombricultures are being promoted.
Now, with a LIFE Project, we are planning to build up a new model for the management of urban organic wastes using lumbriculture techniques and in the framework of a public-private company.
In this context we need to work also with a technological centre, company or institution who want to participate as a partner in the project specially in the part oriented to define technical proccesses and quality standards of the product. But any other expertise in this field is welcome.

 Gestion des déchets
 Programme LIFE

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