Lead partner search - Capacity-building in the area of rights of the child

il y a 7 ans

Gender Alternatives Foundation

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Dear Colleagues,
we are interested in developing and partnering in a project under this current Call for Proposals - Capacity-building in the area of rights of the child  ( REC Programme of the EU ). We are looking for lead partner organizations.

Gender Alternatives Foundation is a human rights organization, based in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. We work in the fields of gender-based violence and discrimination with focus groups vulnerable groups of women and girls. Our activities include: legal and psychological counseling, strategic litigation, advocacy and capacity-building of professionals.
More information: genderalternatives (dot) org

You can contact me at: rada (at) genderalternatives (dot) org
Rada Elenkova

 Égalité des sexes
 Programme Droits, Égalité et Citoyenneté

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