il y a 1 mois

Mohammed Muntaka Abdul Rahman



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The aim of this project is to provide high school seniors and university students with the opportunity to receive training and on-site research on the tourism economy in different countries. From the perspective of youth studies, this project will examine how different countries use their historical, natural and cultural resources in order to develop their tourism and the profits they obtain from tourism, and what kind of gains, especially economic, they derive from tourism. The project will provide training facilitated by experts in tourism economists and the aim is to inform, create awareness and educate students about the tourism economy, the opportunities within it and develop a zeal for it. NB: We will be glad to have partners from Malta and Norway.

If you are interested please send your organization’s PIF to or and cc

 Apprentissage des adultes
 Coopération transnationale
 Développement de projets
 Planification de projet

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