Invitation to partnership - Alliances for education and enterprises (Erasmus+ program)

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Petersen, Jette Milberg

Education, centre de formation ou école


Recherche partenariat

We are an international team of researchers and practitioners in the field of multilingualism and plurilingual communication.

At the moment, we are drafting a project proposal for the European Erasmus+ program. Put simply, the envisioned project CoLaCom (Let’s connect languages to communicate) aims at optimising communication in intercultural and multilingual settings. 

To do so, we are looking for entrepreneurial partners who are interested in optimising the communication within their ranks and with international (business) partners. 

Based on an analysis of the linguistic repertoires, language use, and communicative needs in the company, researchers, practitioners and your employees alike will work on fostering functional intercultural and plurilingual communicative competences in authentic situations – and that just by mobilising the existing knowledge and skills of your team in a targeted manner by harnessing recent research results.

With CoLaCom we hope to transcend (mental) communicative barriers and to open minds by shifting mindsets.

Do not hesitate to reach out should you require any further information or be interested in becoming an entrepreneurial partner.

For CoLaCom

Jean-Pierre Chavagne, Apicad


Plase see my Favorite call : Key Action 2 Alliances for innovation, LOT 1 :  Alliances for Education and Enterprise aim to create innovative, transnational and sustainable cooperation settings that will foster new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning, strengthen the effectiveness of education and training systems, and boost innovation through cooperation. Deadline : March 7th, 2024

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Renforcement des compétences
 Ressources humaines
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie

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