Interested in partnership - Reactivate

il y a 6 ans

HETFA Research Institute

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

HETFA is an independent think tank in Budapest, Hungary established in 2009. It was founded by young economists, political scientists and sociologists sharing theoretical and practical experience in social research, public administration and consultancy.

HETFA has broad experience in analysis and research of topics, such as youth employment, labour market, as well as development and characteristics of entrepreneurship and SME policy. Besides research and analysis, HETFA provides post-graduate training jointly with related university departments.

As HETFA is multifunctional – on the one hand it is a research institute, on the other hand it is an SME – it can provide an added value to a project by participating actively both as an expert in the field of education, youth policy and social research and as a business partner which has practical experience about skills needed at the labour ;Thus, HETFA is interested in joining a consortium as a partner to develop a common project proposal under the call titled "Reactivate - Intra-EU job mobility scheme for unemployed over 35s".

 Renforcement des compétences
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Social et Bien-être

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