Interested in partnership - CERV and other programmes

il y a 9 mois

Regional Agency for Spatial and Economic Development of Raški and Moravički Districts

Agence locale / régionale


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

Serbia is a CERV newcomer and we are searching a parrtnership that will submit a project dealing with European Integration, culture, entrepreneurship, civic society and tourism. 

We have an expertise in project development and if you need a reliable partner please contact us. You can also open to cooperate as part of other EU programmes. 


 Héritage culturel
 Culture numérique
 Europe créative
 Coopération transfrontalière
 Fonds européen agricole pour le développement rural (...
 Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER)
 Union européenne
 Développement de projets
 Coopération territoriale

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