Interested in participating in adult education projects

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We are Confederación Sindical Independiente Fetico, a Spanish trade union and one of the main multisectoral unions in Spain with more than 80.000 members in 2024 from all sectors of the economy.  

Fetico's main goal is the improvement of the working and social conditions of workers. We advocate for consultation of workers, collective bargaining and social dialogue as key elements in achieving this objective. Fetico also promotes social progress values such as solidarity, equality and cohesion.  

As social agent, our main objective is the promotion of the employment and the improvement of socio-labour conditions of workers. Despite that, our objectives go further, as we try to foster social progress values such as solidarity, equality and respect to diversity. That's the main reason why we develop this objective in two ways: 

  • Training: Most of our target groups on our training programs are those with difficulties entering or re-entering the labour market as women, low-qualified people, long-term unemployed adults and migrants.  

  • Professional support and job guidance: Fetico is accredited as an Employment Agency by the Spanish Public Employment, which means that we collaborate with the National Employment Service. We also are members of "Alianza para la Formación Dual", "Charter of Diversity", "Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition", "The European Alliance for Apprenticeship" and the "Pact for Skills". Since May 2024 we are also members of the United Nations Global Compact Network Spain, confirming our commitment with the actions promoted by the United Nations Organization to achieve its goals and principles, including the Sustainable Development Goals.  

We would be interested in participating in projects that involve adult education, employment, socio-labour inclusion, employability inclusion and diversity... areas in which we could help as social agent. 

In the following link you will find all the projects in which we have/are participating at the moment: ;  

Do not hesitate in contacting us if you need more information or if you want to discuss further help 

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Ressources humaines
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Personnes defavorisées
 Égalité des sexes
 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Horizon Europe

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