Interested in joining a consortium (Directorate of Secondary Education of Pieria)

il y a 5 ans

Directorate of Secondary Education of Pieria

Autorité publique locale


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

     Our organisation is seeking to establish cooperation in the framework of joint projects at a European and International level.

     We are interesting in project cooperation that would contribute to the following:
- Cultural exchange and awareness by means of joint events, creation of joint/comparative projects, educational activities for adults and pupils,
- Support and development, in cooperation with Schools of its responsibility, of environmental actions towards the familiriasation and protection of nature and natural resources,
- Refugee student support at school and social environment,
- Exchange of good practices and development of tools of information, prevention and handling of major health-related issues met in school environment, like smoking, drug/alcohol addictions, STDs, etc.
- Vocational Education,
- Support and Opportunities for Special Education

- Training of our staff in organization, management and communication issues through exchange of good practices, job shadowing, development of joint projects,
     Our contribution could range from creating and addressing surveys to investigate the existing knowledge in the subject of the project  to organising dissemination activities in cooperation with the local education coordinators and/or relevant authorities. Having access to about 41 schools, we believe there is a strong potential to communicate the project activities and results to a large number of students and can also contribute to a policy paper if it is in the project planning.

       We will be glad to hear from you.

 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
 Éducation artistique
 Héritage culturel
 Arts performants
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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