Interested in a Partnership (Valérie Sfeir)

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Valérie Sfeir

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Recherche partenariat

Friends-International Suisse powers the European work of the ChildSafe Movement and Friends-International (FI). Although FI first launched programs in South East Asia, it now works across the world, and in partnership with many other like-minded organizations. Our programs engage directly, wherever people are pushed to the edges of society - on the streets, in communities, in prisons –. Firstly, we provide direct services that save lives, then we go on to build futures through giving children, young people and families access to education, training and employment opportunities. Through the ChildSafe Movement we empower and engage individuals, businesses and agencies to actively protect children.

 Renforcement des compétences
 Innovation sociale
 Coopération internationale
 Éducation et formation
 Services volontaires européens
 Gestion de partenariat
 Gestion de projets internationaux
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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