Interested in a Partnership (Senem Yazici Yilmaz)

il y a 1 mois

Senem Yazici Yilmaz



Recherche partenariat

I am seeking to **join or establish a partnership** in an **EU-funded cooperation project** focused on **digital transformation, AI, and sustainable tourism development**. With expertise in **tourism technology, smart destinations, and metaverse applications**, I aim to collaborate with academic institutions, industry stakeholders, and policymakers to drive **innovative and technology-driven tourism solutions**. I am particularly interested in **Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, Erasmus+, and Interreg projects**, contributing with **research, strategic planning, and digital innovation expertise** to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the tourism sector. Let's connect to build impactful and forward-thinking partnerships!

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Transfert de technologie
 Enseignement supérieur
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
 Héritage culturel
 Gestion d'entreprise

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