Interested in a Partnership (NATHALIE PETRI PEP83)

il y a 6 ans


Education, centre de formation ou école


Recherche partenariat

We are a medico-social service for young visually impaired people from 0 to 20 years old.

Our goal is to foster their autonomy by building the resources necessary for their inclusion in our society, including through support for their schooling.

Our young people are evolving in a digital age that seems to facilitate their inclusion.

However, there are significant contrasts at the European level of the employability of the visually impaired.

It therefore seems necessary to share / confront with European multi-disciplinary teams our respective choices of modalities and / or tools for access to the written word (for young visually impaired people).

 Soins de santé
 Garde d'enfants
 Éducation et formation
 Rédaction technique

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