Interested in a Partnership (Municipality of Kamnik)

il y a 8 ans

Municipality of Kamnik

Autorité publique locale


Recherche partenariat

Please consider the possibility of cooperation with The Municipality of Kamnik, either in designing of the project proposals in the field of social innovations or other fields, addressed by the current European programmes (innovative entrepreneurship, protection and improvement of the enviroment, transport, sustainable growth, low carbon society, protection and promotion of natural and cultural resources, capacity buliding, transport…).

 Renforcement des compétences
 Efficacité énergétique
 Ressources naturelles
 Gestion des déchets
 Développement durable
 Protection environnementale
 Coopération internationale
 Héritage culturel
 Coopération transfrontalière
 Coopération transnationale

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