Interested in a Partnership (Mihai Gradinaru)

il y a 4 ans

Mihai Gradinaru



Recherche partenariat

Tejas Development is happy to become your partner for consulting and development services:
- analyse and/or offer you support to define your Personal, Business, Investment, Technological or Institutional Project development needs.
- design and propose cost-effective solutions, starting from requirements and concept definition to detailed implementation design.
- identify, set-up and manage or evaluate, monitor and control a project team (specialists, suppliers, service providers) to implement your development project.
- offer training and coaching services for persons, businesses and institutions.

 Services audiovisuels
 Applications informatiques
 Innovation & Recherche
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage des adultes
 Industries créatives
 Nouveau média
 Humanités numériques
 Intelligence artificielle

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