Interested in a partnership - LIFE2018

il y a 6 ans

Si-Ies Srl



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

SI-IES Ltd is interested in Partnership opportunities to participate in LIFE2018 Calls for Proposal (Call for Proposals for Integrated Projects under the LIFE sub-programmes for Environment and Climate Action).

SI-IES would provide its experience as Partner in innovation Clusters (see full profile), as networking and expertise integration Hub among different innovation players (higher education and research bodies, private sector and businesses, public authorities, civil society), as research and development actor in the fields of energy efficiency, sustainability, intelligent transport, smart technologies and as advisory body active in the sectors of training, dissemination, marketing and communication.

 Énergie intelligente
 Énergie renouvelable
 Développement durable
 Innovation & Recherche
 Transport durable
 Programme LIFE
 Mobilité intelligente

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