Interested in a Partnership (IZRIIS INSTITUTE (Zavod IZRIIS))

il y a 5 ans


Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

En recherche d'un consultant

➢ Countries: Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia
➢ Sector: partners from research and development oriented companies and public organisations (eg. National health agencies or centres) and Municipalities.
➢ Level of authority for public sector: national agencies and ministries, regional and local authorities
➢ personnel experience or/and field:
(1) psychology, adult education, medicine, gerontology, social sciences
(2) software development, (interface, implementation)
(3) Public relations
(4) Business and marketing experts
(5) End-user organisations (intergenerational, gerontology, public relations, volunteers)

 Innovation sociale
 Villes intelligentes
 Politique de cohésion
 Horizon Europe
 Subventions EEE et Norvège

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