Interested in a Partnership (GEMS, EDUCACION EN ANDALUCIA)

il y a 9 ans


Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

We collaborate with a social enterprise active in the field of the empowerment of people and communities, also facilitating the employment of disadvantaged youngsters; a social enterprise promoting intercultural inclusion activities and active citizenship for immigrant people, families and communities, in particular minors and women; an association which works for the promotion of cultural activities, human development and social, recreational and non-formal training.

According to our members expressions of interest and to our expertise we are willing to take part to European projects in different fields:
1. Erasmus+ KA2 projects and Europe for Citizens projects, particularly in the field of Youth (social inclusion, employability, entrepreneurship (in particular social entrepreneurship).
2. Europe for citizens:
- strand 1- European Remembrance as we are able to involve public and private bodies working on 2016-2020 priorities
We have already took part to European Projects as a partners and we can count on experienced staff in the field of project management.
We can also count on a solid network of local (Schools, public entities, Health services..) and international partners that we can involve in our projects.
If you’re looking for a reliable partner for your project, please do not hesitate to contact me at garnikalia@gmail. , I am at your disposal for any further information.

 Apprentissage des adultes
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie

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