Interested in a Partnership (EDUMOTIVA)

il y a 5 ans


Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

ICT-based teaching practice:
we are interested in participating in proposals (H2020, ERASMUS+) for ICT-based teaching practices and interactive technologies at all the levels, from pre-school to high school education, informal and non-formal education, teacher education, professionals training

Robotics: We have long experience acting as educational partners in robotics projects (FP7 SAFROS, H2020 eCraft2Learn, H2020 INBOTS) and we are interested in participating as educational partner in proposals for robotics projects and CSA in application areas

Enhancing access and uptake of education to reverse inequalities: We are interested in participating in proposals (RIA or CSA) that will focus on access and uptake of education from early childhood to adult education including formal and informal education and will take into account the increasing diversity in Europe and complex interplay of the socio-economic factors.

 Applications informatiques
 Éducation et formation
 Horizon Europe
 Subventions EEE et Norvège

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