INTERESTED IN A PARTNERSHIP (Development Agency Sinergija)

il y a 3 ans

Development Agency Sinergija

Organisation de soutien aux entreprises


Recherche partenariat

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Development Agency Sinergija has participated or is still participating in various national and international, interregional co-operations and Structural Funds financed projects, either as a lead partner or as a partner.

We have rich experiences by developing and implementng projects in the field of: Rural development, E-mobility, Mobility management, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Energy efficiency and renewable energy, etc.

We are very interested to participate as professional, experienced, reliable and responsible project partner by developing and implementng project ideas from different fields.

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Renforcement des compétences
 Coopération internationale
 Tourisme durable
 Coopération transfrontalière
 Coopération transnationale
 Développement de projets
 Planification de projet
 Mobilité intelligente

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