Interested in a Partnership (Defisto Studio NGO)

il y a 3 ans

Defisto Studio NGO

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

We are looking for partner from Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein for joining experience in project preparation under the Second call for project proposals, outcome 2 „Access to arts and culture improved“, EEA financial mechanism 2014 – 2021.

The project aims to enhance the access of people to culture as well as their engagement through development and introduction of artistic and creative events, rock opera musical: Pippi’s worlds. The project aims to put focus on the access to culture in local and regional areas through the development of audiences, cultural entrepreneurship and enhanced access, which will revive the peripheral areas and bring new life to smaller towns and villages, and will attract new audiences.


 Éducation et formation
 Éducation artistique
 Industries créatives
 Culture numérique
 Film et média
 La musique
 Arts performants
 Arts visuels

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