Interested in a Partnership (CSBNO - Culture Socialità Biblioteche Network Op...)

il y a 3 ans

CSBNO - Culture Socialità Biblioteche Network Operativo

Infrastructure et fournisseur de services publics


Recherche partenariat

We're interested in taking part in a project under the action "Circulation of European Literary works", as partner. One of our primary goal is to promote diversity and integration inside our libraries, by giving our public a larger range of options when they decide to borrow our materials. In particular we have worked alongside families of different origins, to help them feel more secure and welcomed inside our communities. We would like to introduce inside our network, and potentially in the context of "Rete delle Reti"( a national network that regroup several library systems all over Italy), materials from different countries, translated in Italian, that can help us broaden our offer and give our public a different insight on European culture.

 Renforcement des compétences
 Innovation sociale
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
 Éducation artistique
 Culture et développement
 Europe créative
 Horizon Europe
 Social et Bien-être

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