Interested in a Partnership ("Bobruisk Specialized School for Children and Yo...)

il y a 3 ans

"Bobruisk Specialized School for Children and Youth of Olympic Reserve"

Education, centre de formation ou école


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promotion of a healthy lifestyle, attracting young people to physical education and sports.
• -training of trainers-teachers of swimming sports,
• -training of athletes-students of swimming sports,
• -preparation of material and technical base
• -exchange of experience with foreign colleagues
• -conducting master classes.
•-invitation of trainers-teachers of sports and athletes-students of swimming sports from the Republic of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukrainе, Russia.
•-carrying out on the basis of the ESI "Bobruisk sports school " training camps for athletes-students of swimming

 Soins de santé
 Éducation et formation

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