Interested in a Partnership (Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib))

il y a 5 ans
acib is looking for R&D project-partners for:
- long-term (co-)development projects
- flexible fee-for-services
- partnerships in transnational funding programmes

acib offers:
+ contract research in all areas (from R&D to production and analysis)
+ extensive literature studies and IP search
+ consulting for funded research
+ professional project management for (funded) projects
+ professional communication & dissemination activities
+ innovative and reliable partnership in (inter)national funding calls
+ organization of events and conferences
+ training courses (theoretical and 'hands-on‘)
+ partner search
+ looking for technologies
+ 'acib task force' => solving challenging problems at your R&D Facility

 Ressources naturelles
 Biotechnologie agricole
 Innovation & Recherche
 Biotechnologie médicale

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