Interested in a Partnership (A.S.)

il y a 6 mois

A. S.



Recherche partenariat

Looking a someone who is interested to trough model of propulsion system I have made, to finish all documents for it and to apply for grant with me as equal partner. 

Idea is that we have 2 hammers vith opposite vectors - directions kicked by any force (F1, F2). Forces should be equal (F1= F2) (reactional force will not allow any movenment larger then in time distortion of second drop, as it is planed that there will be slight delays in drops). 

But, point is that we acts on to one side. changing its directions. So on to that side after the changes forces will looks like: 

F2= F2 x (1-α) => F2= F͢ 

F2 ≠ F1  

 Technologie aérospatiale
 Horizon Europe

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