DISHA International Foundation Trust
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Joint Call for Applications for Mobility of Researchers
(Department of Science and Technology, DST and Academy of Finland)
(Deadline for Submitting Proposals: October 15, 2018)
Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Academy of Finland have decided to launch a call for application to support mobility of researchers between the twocountries in fields of natural sciences and aim of this call is to support long-term and systematic research collaboration with a view to promoting the mobility of researchers between India and Finland. The Call is open to scientists, engineers or faculty members regularly employed in universities and research institutions / centres including hospitals in India or Finland.
Mobility from India to Finland:
Indian researchers in fields of natural sciences and engineering can apply for DST
funding to visit Finland. The Indian applicant must have a doctoral degree and a regular position in university / research institute or a research center in India. The application must include invitation by the Finnish host and research plan. A visit may be applied for 2 weeks to 3 months. The visit must be realized during March – December 2019.
DST will forward the shortlisted applications to the Academy of Finland for final selection and award of mobility grant. DST will provide round-trip economy-class airfare to the relevant entry city of the Finland as well as medical insurance. The Academy of Finland contributes to the costs of the visit with a grant covering accommodation and living costs in Finland. Max. 10 Indian researchers may be funded in 2019.
The Indian researcher seeking funding for travel grant can download the application format from websites / and should submit completed application form and all relevant information. Application must be submitted to DST through the e-application system provided at They are also requested to send one hard copy to DST by 20th October 2018 through proper channel Please note that the Invitation from Finnish host scientist, CV of the applicant and joint research plan are mandatory documents to be submitted alongwith the
Mobility from Finland to India:
DST grants are intended for joint research at universities and research institutes in India.
The Academy of Finland covers the applicant's travel costs and DST covers
accommodation and living costs in India. The recommended grant duration is 2 weeks to 3 months. The visit must be realized during March – December ;The Finnish applicant seeking for travel grant should be a researcher with a doctoral degree working in Finnish University / research institute. Academy of Finland funding is
awarded as a personal grant. Applicants must take out health insurance for the grant
period. The applications are drafted in the online ;Appendices to application: Updated CV (appended in the online services under Personal data/CV), Invitation by host institution (those who will work in libraries and archives will also need an invitation letter), List of publications, Research plan, Progress report
Further information: Please contact us on
(Deadline for Submitting Proposals: October 15, 2018)
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