Inclusive Assessment

il y a 7 mois

Asociación Aprendizaje Activo

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

We are looking for partners for an Erasmus+ KA210 project!

We intend to submit a proposal for the next call (October 2023) and we are looking for another organisation specialised in dyslexia to join the partnership. Just to act as experts in this neurobiological disorder and to give their opinion on the approach taken by the main partners of the consortium. The aim of the project is to improve the inclusion of students with dyslexia in the European education system by equipping teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out classroom assessment of students with dyslexia.

If this sounds interesting and you would like to work with us, you can send us a message with some information about your organisation. We'll be happy to tell you more about the project.


 Éducation et formation
 Intelligence artificielle

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