I am a student in engineering and leader of Vio, Vio is a start-up in agri-innovation area.

il y a 4 ans

Ariel Mauricio Vaca Bohórquez



Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

I am a student in engineering and leader of Vio, a spin-off project of the University of Los Andes for the development of innovative products for the next generation pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest application for the agricultural industry. I am currently looking for a financial partner for the formation of a Startup. Biocoating is our first product in development based on my research; advanced for about 7 years in the framework of my academic training and as a researcher at the University of Los Andes. Biocoating is a product for postharvest fruits, easy to apply and designed to be 100% sustainable, since it is a food protecting other foods. We have currently completed the patent application process.

 Entreprises et industrie
 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Biotechnologie agricole
 Sciences Biologiques

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