TEL: +256776 830887
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Physical address: 150 Meters off Kasubi Tombs Street behind St Andrews,
Kasubi church of Uganda.
PROJECT TITTLE: HIV/AIDS Care to promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights of the most vulnerable groups, in particular, underprivileged young people, teenage mothers and marginalized youths through music dance and drama as a way of HIV/AIDS information dissemination and vocational skills training.
A project aimed at providing, underprivileged young people, youths and women with music dance and drama for the purposes of HIV/AIDS information effective dissemination and vocational skills training for economic empowerment.
Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization was established and registered to contribute to the improvement of young people’s, youths ‘and women lives through school, community based education and other innovative ventures for sustainable development. Below are UYSTO’s objectives and directions that take us through the road map of attaining our mission.
In our HIV/AIDS programs especially on care, transmission and prevention, we are adopting music dance and drama and sports as the means of uniting and empowering women and youth to make a difference in their livelihood, this is assisted by training them in vocational skills. However, we believe that a more concentrated effort is needed to prepare the youth to deal with the challenges.
Currently, the organization is serving a total number of young people, youths and women amounting to 1000, among which 200 are females, 150 are males, 650 children and 250 are HIV positive.
The organization has a functioning and Governing Board comprising of 8 Members out of which 4 are women and 3 are men among which 2 are women living with HIV/AIDs. It has a secretariat headed by the executive director, 13 staff and six fulltime volunteers and 13 on call. These are responsible for the day today running of the organization and all programs implementation.
We are therefore proposing an extended approach which, we believe will also stimulate youths –based activities to address the issue of, vulnerability, unemployment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Care and support of the young people infected or affected.
For such a project, more resources are needed than we hope to raise from our congregations.
As the project, what we have in mind is more related to empowering the, underprivileged children, youths and women especially teenage mothers, we are sending to you this proposal with the aim that you will be able to support our ;
UYSTOs overall organization’s budget for last year was EURS
Much of it has been grants from international donors and volunteers.
1. FK Norway
2. European Union (Erasmus + department)
3. Global giving.
4. Tools with a mission UK
5. Work Aid UK
Our main target groups are the HIV positive children, HIV positive teenager mothers and HIV affected children and their host families especially grandmothers. Majorly a total of 500 HIV positive children, HIV positive teenage mothers and grandmothers shall directly benefit from the project.
Our project will cover two rural sub counties of Byakabanda and Kyotera of Rakai district and one urban council division of Lubaga in Kampala
HIV/AIDS pandemic is increasing by affecting the lives of children and youth in Sub Saharan Africa. By 2001, Uganda had reported orphans less than 15 years of age and this kind of phenomenon continues to affect the rest of Sub Saharan Africa. Despite the awareness being carried out, the HIV infection is still prevalent, high and evidently seen in urban and rural areas of Uganda.
The crisis has therefore, threatened development activities in past years and years to come as well.
However, children and youths are the most vulnerable since many of them are orphaned or even infected by the disease. This has led to their rights violations since the children and youths do not have a choice especially when they are orphaned. Therefore, there is an urgent need to adopt mechanisms needed to disseminate key massages on HIV/ AIDS transmission and prevention to the underprivileged children, youths and women especially teenage mothers in relation to music, dance and drama and vocational training. We see all these as a valuable end in itself and a long term means to promote more cohesive considerate and creative individuals/societies with equal opportunities and rights for ; Therefore, in this respect, Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization as a Development partner is involved in reducing the transmission of this kind of virus and unemployment scourge using music, dance and drama as a media to disseminate key massages on how we can prevent the transmission of this virus and promote skills training as it would render opportunities to the youth and teenage mothers of living a safe life, creating their own jobs or secure employment.
Since the 80’s when the HIV/AIDS was realized in Uganda, it has claimed lives of millions of people and as a result, over million children and youth have been left orphaned in Uganda and still multiplying. The distress and depression upon these children and youth is so countless that they are put in a position of rejection and self-pity. They suffer from increasing displacement, early unwanted pregnancies, marginalization, dissolution of family protection and segregation from the community making them feel they are an economic burden thus they fall behind educationally and even socially. This has tended to have lifelong effects on their development leading to a generation of no hope for tomorrow.
Commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth is wide spread and a hidden form of child exploitation both in rural and urban areas in Uganda and is growing at an alarming rate. Prostitution is the most pronounced form of commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth in Uganda’s urban and semi-urban areas and these days is rampantly exported to united Arab emirates countries in form of trafficking and this prostitution is dominated by young girls/youths majority of whom are university graduates, primary school dropouts and those who never attained any level of education. These would be accessed to vocational skills as it would play a big role in their economic status reducing on their vulnerability to their ; Also young children, particularly those orphaned by HIV/AIDS are actively engaged in commercial sex as a means for survival. More still Uganda is hit by wide spread street children practicing robbery and theft, marijuana smoking and alcoholism to mention but a ;
Their involvement in commercial sex and other immoral behaviors has grave consequences on their health and lives and to the lives of others. Some of these have contracted HIV/AIDS and STDs. They are victims of physical assault, defilement, rape, drug addiction, unwanted pregnancies, underage motherhood, torture and lack of self-esteem, trauma, theft and robbery, crime, rejection and death among others.
There is no question that one of the major problems the HIV/AIDS scourge has created for Uganda is the big number of orphans left behind. These orphans and their needs have over the years overwhelmed those who have tried to assist them. Most times they are left in the hands of grandmothers who are struggling to keep their own immediate families from starving. Subsequently, when the grandmothers can no longer cope up, the orphans suffer most and in terms of education the guardians do care for their only legitimate sons and daughters, this has contributed to the increasing number of street kids roaming in the city and other towns, more new rampant HIV/AIDS cases, reduced quality labour force and the rest of these orphans end up in child domestic labour service and prostitution, majority of the children are left in the hands of their grandparents who are aged and cannot contribute anything towards the wellbeing of these orphaned young people.
To use music, dance and drama as a media to disseminate key massages on HIV/AIDS care and psycho social support, transmission and prevention, management and control for improved quality of life and to also provide hands on skills for job creation.
The project will be implemented by Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization
With the availability of resources, the project shall be fully operational within 12 months and on-going depending on the agreed donor time frame.
NAME: Oystein Garfors.
ORGANIZATION: Coordinator to FK Norway
MOB TEL: +4741530603
NAME: Hassan Sekajoolo
ORGANIZATION: Straight talk foundation.
POST ADDRESS: Box 22366 Kampala /
Plot 4 4 Kololo Hill Dr, Kampala
MOB TEL:+256 772565862
The project coordinator ensures that the implementation of the project is in line with the approved work plan and carries out periodical field monitoring visits to project beneficiaries and communities to ensure that services trickle down to the intended beneficiaries.
Internal evaluation is conducted by the organization through monthly monitoring and evaluation visits. The program officer conducts on spot checks at the project implementation sites.
Review monitoring and evaluation meetings shall be conducted to ascertain the progress in achieving results of the project.
Feedback shall be sought from community stakeholders especially peer educators, parent support groups and local leaders to assess whether the project results are being achieved accordingly and whether the impact of the project is felt on ground. Client feedback will also form a basis for monitoring project activities through conducting exit Interviews and holding discussions with beneficiaries.
Quarterly reports both technical and financial are always prepared and submitted to partners/donors on time.
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