Higher Education is a matter of quality

il y a 5 ans

Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education

Autorité publique nationale


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

he Agency is responsible for the control of quality of higher education in Montenegro. It implements the quality control through the processes of accreditation of study programmes and reaccreditation of higher education institutions. Criteria for both of these procedures are based on the European standards and guidelines. In that respect the Agency invests efforts in ensuring full application of the Standards and Guidelines in European Area of Higher Education in the processes of accreditation of study programmes and reaccreditation of higher education institutions in Montenegro.

 Renforcement des compétences
 Coopération internationale
 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Éducation et formation
 Enseignement supérieur
 Coopération transfrontalière
 Relations internationales

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