GAMEFLIP: Flipping and Gamifying Language Teaching KA220 project in scope of school education

il y a 2 ans

Ibrahim aydın

Non lucratif


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We as Konya Provincial Directorate of National Educationa and Necmettin Erbakan University are working on a project named shortly GAMEFLIP. 

We are looking for directorates or municipalities or any other public institutions having expertise and experience on English language teaching with innovative methods. 

We have 4 project results about which detailed information will be given later. 

We have also an NGO as a newcommer. 

We are following a strategy in which all parties win. If we take you as a partner you will also take us as one of your partner in the next application round. 

Please contact with me via ibrahimaydnn 

Kind regards 

 Éducation et formation

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