EYE - The E-Incubator for Young Entrepreneurs

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EYE - E-Incubator for Young Entrepreneurs



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A response to COSME Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs COS-EYE-2019-4-01

We intend to present the EYE MODEL as a dual approach of training and pathways toward supporting the growth of entrepreneurship, and in particular young people and women, with progamming aimed at the mobility of new entrepreneurs.

The model calls for two phases of training :

- Pre-incubation: Recruitment phase for beneficiaries from targeted ;At this stage of the project, linkages are created with local entrepreneurship ecosystems to network with actors that motivate the fostering of entrepreneurship and and economic development in a local region and with other entrepreneurs at all stages of the process of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Other linkages  created include for pathways toward gainful employment and to guide those beneficiaries wanting to return to formal education

- Post-Incubation: includes testing and validation, developing a business model,  the creation of a startup, with services for the business of entrepreneurship. These include linkages with local idea centers/ecosystems and venture capitalist designed to accellerate the growth and success of entrepreneurial ventures. Other trainees will be equipped with ​skills for enhanced employability, prepared with capabilities for analytical problem-solving, innovation and creativity, self-direction and initiative, flexibility and adaptability, critical thinking, and skills in being able to communicate, work in teams and ;​

The model supports a comparable training as on-the-job-training for new entrepreneurs with established host entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized enterprises in COSME Participating Countries in order to facilitate a successful start-up, and development of their business ideas. It also fosters sharing of experience and information about the challenges of starting up and developing a businesses, and supports cross-border networking between entrepreneurs, especially between experienced and nascent ecosystems, thus further developing a network of new entrepreneurs (NEs), host entrepreneurs (HEs) and Intermediary Organisations (IOs), as well as a community of practice (CoP) for trainers, mentors and instructors and a virtual platform to showcase products and services from beneficiaries and a virtual exchange of ;

 Développement rural
 Entreprises et industrie
 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Innovation sociale
 Villes intelligentes
 Éducation et formation
 Mobilité des jeunes
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie

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