European Journal of sustainable Development

il y a 6 ans

European Center of Sustainable Development ECSDEV CIT University

Institut de recherche


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

European Journal of sustainable Development

ISSN 2239-5938 (print)
ISSN 2239-6101 (online)

Is a double blinded peer-reviewed open access journal, published under the supervision of the European Center of Sustainable Development.

EJSD was established as the official journal of ECSDEV, to provide an international forum for debates among diverse disciplines, such as human development, environmental and energy economics, health education studies, and related fields.

The main purpose of the journal is twofold: to encourage (1) integration of theoretical studies and policy studies on sustainability issues and (2) interdisciplinary works of energy economics, environmental policy studies, educational studies, sustainable agricultural development, health and food education, urban planning and related fields on sustainability issues. The journal also welcomes contributions from any discipline as long as they are consistent with the above stated aims and purposes, and encourages interaction beyond the traditional schools of thought.

The European Journal of Sustainable Development is currently being published in one volume per year of three issues in the months of Febbruary, June and October along with the Online version.

Deadline for submission a paper on the European Journal of Sustainable Development:

30 Dicember for the Febbruary issue

30 April for the June issue

30 July for the October issue

Call For Papers:

Manuscripts can be submitted electronically to:


Open Access Policy

EJSD Follows an Open Access Policy. This statement means that all past and present published manuscripts can be accessed, viewed, copied, downloaded, distributed, linked or searched in full text without any need of submission or charge. This choice represents our intention to contribute in the global process of knowledge democratization.

Read more:

 Santé des plantes
 Ressources naturelles
 Coopération internationale
 Sciences de la Terre
 Innovation & Recherche
 Éducation et formation

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