ENAKTIO Centre of Sustainable Social Growth
Non lucratif
Recherche partenariat
Recherche partenaire principal
ENAKTIO (Centre of Sustainable Social Growth) seeks to involve into its existing consortium for an upcoming Europe or Citizens, organizations (Ngo’s, Non profits and Public administrations) and if possible establish a long-standing collaboration for future projects ;
Priority will be given to Organizations that can include our Centre as partner in on of their ongoing proposal as well.
The project’s core aim is to help gather, widely circulate & publicize a range of scientifically backed evidence and information from the participating countries can shed light and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the long – term, encouraging effects (social, economical, budgetary, etc.) of refugees’ integration within the ;
The project’s target groups will include: Citizens of the EU, immigrants political asylum seekers, ethnic groups residing in the PP’s countries, relevant stakeholders such as NGO’s, public authorities, ;
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