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Institution européenne


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Dear Member and Project Companies global entire euro-zone 

ITs time the EU Parliament shall build one enery solar system with one connection with main base center in europe by Germany or Holland  to supply entire connection solar system energergy entire eurozone it base in GDP of EU countries to invest and solve proble with eco natural energy -

2.Europe shall check up to invent sea zones about Oil and Gas again to build top big central supply itself in EUROZONE and to supply other countries EU zone and None EU zone across EUROPE are

3/IT system chain supply and main internet zone shall be just safety for eurozone and to sell strong nd right price to eu-zone countries and none eu.

4.Food -Agricultural and and Animal holder to be investing and growing in all rural areas and EUrope shall be the one to export not to import agricultutal stuff from other countries .to build huge economic trade with outside eu countries

Electrical power nuclear power plants shall be more sotistificated and build with huge capacity to export energy outside europe and eurozone inside and none eu countries

5.Trasport EU shall connect entire europe and to be free zone of working and and and traininng into new projects youth people new generation to develop economies in future in all proffersion matters EUROPE shall accept more work in just europe zone area and none eu zone areas not futher out borders of europe not because of race or something but because european young geneartion shall create bussines in their onw in future and shall not depend just by Government 

Health Insurance shall be recognise by entire countries in eurozones not matter by which country -

EUROPE shall invest more in none eu countrie and to reaserch about natural gas oil and other natural minerals which can grow up economy 

EU before 2030 shall produce their own electrical cars and to export inside eu zone and outside europe for the safety of pollutions and old cars 

EU shall building high volume drones for and big to clean and pollutiion rural zones and economic zones are the drones which are like vaccum cleaner which and over cleaning industrial areas from the smoke factories 

EU shall accept and invest to any countries standards and quality accross eu zone and none eu zone we shall move out of the foreign trade we shall focus more EU export trade that can also can help people getting jobs and also export it will increase by EU and outside EU 

Price shall not be increase by private ownwer cost but EU Governments shall have their own standard life const which can any human migh have better life condition by buy home without loans and grow theri own family in less debts to stay far way from loans of the bank.





 Protection environnementale
 Développement et coopération
 Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (AMIF)
 Gestion urbaine
 Technologie de construction
 Tourisme durable
 Budgétisation et prévision
 Génie civil
 Finance d'entreprise
 Direction financière

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