EU-Afrika B4C: edu4futures

il y a 9 mois

Tatjana Christelbauer

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

En recherche d'un consultant

Project idea developed during the EU-Afrika Hackathon in 2021

while addressing following issues:

Effects of the C-19 pandemic on learning opportunities and wellbeing; gender-based conflicts, poverty, lack of learning opportunities and perspectives: 1. High poverty levels make it difficult for parents/guardians and families to support the proper learning of their children and the general running of the school as expected. 2. lack of creative ideas, especially in the time of the lockdown, and social distancing, leads to boredom, depression, conflicts, and domestic violence,: 3. lack of communicative skills leads to tensions, conflicts, and isolation 4—inadequate/ lack of needed resources and facilities to help in the more proper and effective project implementation.

Our solution:

connecting learning&working opportunities, formal&informal learning, providing internships, and enabling life-long learning for families through educational partnerships B4C- business for customers, learning4skills4opportunities. Learning to be and to become: connecting formal&informal learning via new media and radio with art-based creative methods grounded in the IkuBi2030-certified model developed by Tatjana Christelbauer within the 30 years of research and work as a pedagogue, lecturer, and consultant for intercultural education at the Lower Austrian Government edu. department 1992-2020, art practices and work studies in international relations : IkuBi2030-edu social business connects education 4talent management and cultural diplomacy with opportunities with an impact on health and wellbeing, communications culture, environment, reducing poverty, gender-based conflicts, and ecological challenges,. IkuBi2030 -packkage includes curriculum design, methodology, teacher training, and training in Cultural Diplomacy 2030 for corporations, organizations, team leaders in local languages+ English, German, ...The services are provided by Noh´s Ark Academy and ADEPS org. Maragoli, Kenya in collaboration with Tatjana Christelbauer and ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Austrian-based association, with local partners, national authorities, and international partners from Europe and worldwide. Virtual and in-house training sessions enable training participants to provide tailored workshops and courses at the grassroots, cross-generational, and cross-sectoral levels, and disseminate good practices via localhost radio and other partners. In the best case, the IkuBi2030- the curriculum is certified and basically founded by the national authority (such as the Ministry of Education).

More about our activities: 

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Renforcement des compétences
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Égalité des sexes
 Éducation et formation
 Éducation artistique
 Horizon Europe
 Santé mentale
 Intelligence artificielle

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