Erasmus+ project development (deadline 04/10) - Partner Search

il y a 8 ans




Recherche partenariat

UICI (Italian Blind and Partially Sighted Union) – Provincial Section of Modena (Italy) is developing a project idea, named New PEERS - Practices for Education through Empathy and Relationships beyond Sight, to be applied in Erasmus+ (Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth, deadline 04/10/2016).

The project aims to share, consolidate and spread an integrated best practice to promote the emancipation of young people, with a particular focus on access to rights, autonomy, participation and active citizenship.

We are looking for partners from the EU (except Italy), in particular associations/organizations working with blind and partially sighted people, associations/organizations active in education and training, schools, universities, etc.

If you are interested, please contact:

We remain at your disposal for any further information.

 Innovation sociale
 Affaires sociales et inclusion
 Éducation et formation

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