ERASMUS+ KA2 adult 2018

il y a 7 ans

Utena Education Centre

Non lucratif


Recherche partenariat

Recherche partenaire principal

ERASMUS+ in the role of partners.

Utena Education Centre is an institution which provides services for non-formal adult education. The Centre was established in Utena, Eastern Aukstaitija Region, in September 2007.

Activities of Utena Education Centre include investigating the in-service training needs of pedagogues and specialists of other fields, and designing the syllabus for in-service training; organizing in-service training courses, seminars, lectures, conferences and other events;  

Team: 7 employees.

The institution team has experience in Erasmus+ projects. We are finishing two of them and we would like to enter a new partnership for 2018-2020.


 Apprentissage des adultes
 Héritage culturel

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